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Runtime Tracing

The Crystal runtime has a tracing feature for low level functionality. It prints diagnostic info about runtime internals.

A program must be built with the flag -Dtracing to support tracing. At runtime, the individual tracing components can be enabled via the environment variable CRYSTAL_TRACE. It receives a comma separated list of sections to enable.

  • CRYSTAL_TRACE=none Disable tracing (default)
  • CRYSTAL_TRACE=gc: Enable tracing for the garbage collector
  • CRYSTAL_TRACE=sched: Enable tracing for the scheduler
  • CRYSTAL_TRACE=gc,sched: Enable tracing for the garbage collector and scheduler
  • CRYSTAL_TRACE=all Enable all tracing (equivalent to gc,sched)


$ crystal build -Dtracing
$ CRYSTAL_TRACE=sched ./hello-world
sched.spawn 70569399740240 thread=0x7f48d7dc9740:? fiber=0x7f48d7cd0f00:main fiber=0x7f48d7cd0dc0:Signal Loop
sched.enqueue 70569399831716 thread=0x7f48d7dc9740:? fiber=0x7f48d7cd0f00:main fiber=0x7f48d7cd0dc0:Signal Loop duration=163
Hello World

The traces are printed to the standard error by default. This can be changed at runtime with the CRYSTAL_TRACE_FILE environment variable.

For example, CRYSTAL_TRACE_FILE=trace.log prints all tracing output to a file trace.log.

Tracing Format

Each trace entry stands on a single line, terminated by linefeed, and is at most 512 bytes long.

Each entry starts with an identifier consisting of section and operation names, separated by a dot (e.g. gc.malloc). Then comes a timestamp represented as an integer in nanoseconds. Finally, a list of metadata properties in the form key=value separated by single spaces.

The first two properties are always the originating thread and fiber. Both are identified by id and name, separated by a colon (e.g 0x7f48d7cd0f00:main).

  • The thread id is the OS handle, so we can match a thread to a debugger session for example.
  • The fiber id is an internal address in the Crystal runtime. Names are optional and not necessarily unique.

Trace items from early in the runtime startup may be missing fiber metadata and thread names.

More metadata properties can follow depending on the specific trace entry.

For example, gc.malloc indicates how much memory is being allocated.

Reported values are typically represented as integers with the following semantics:

  • Times and durations are in nanoseconds as per the monotonic clock of the operating system (e.g. 123 is 123ns, 5000000000 is 5s).
  • Memory sizes are in bytes (e.g. 1024 is 1KB).