struct Float64

Defined in:

Constant Summary


The number of decimal digits that can be represented without losing precision

EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-16

The machine epsilon (difference between 1.0 and the next representable value)

INFINITY = (1_f64 / 0_f64).as(Float64)

The number of digits that can be represented without losing precision (in base RADIX)

MAX = 1.7976931348623157e+308

Largest finite value

MAX_10_EXP = 308

The maximum possible power of 10 exponent (such that 10**MAX_10_EXP is representable)

MAX_EXP = 1024

The maximum possible normal power of 2 exponent

MIN = -1.7976931348623157e+308

Smallest finite value

MIN_10_EXP = -307

The minimum possible power of 10 exponent (such that 10**MIN_10_EXP is representable)

MIN_EXP = -1021

The minimum possible normal power of 2 exponent

MIN_POSITIVE = 2.2250738585072014e-308

Smallest representable positive value

NAN = (0_f64 / 0_f64).as(Float64)

The radix or integer base used by the internal representation


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Float

%(other) %, - -, //(other) //, <=>(other : BigDecimal)
<=>(other : BigRational)
<=>(other : BigInt)
, days : Time::Span days, fdiv(other) : self fdiv, finite? finite?, hash(hasher) hash, hours : Time::Span hours, infinite? infinite?, microseconds : Time::Span microseconds, milliseconds : Time::Span milliseconds, minutes : Time::Span minutes, modulo(other) modulo, nan? nan?, nanoseconds : Time::Span nanoseconds, remainder(other) remainder, seconds : Time::Span seconds, to_big_d to_big_d, to_big_i : BigInt to_big_i, to_big_r to_big_r, to_io(io : IO, format : IO::ByteFormat) to_io, to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json, to_json_object_key to_json_object_key, weeks : Time::Span weeks

Constructor methods inherited from struct Float

from_io(io : IO, format : IO::ByteFormat) : self from_io

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigDecimal)

<(other : T) <, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range)

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigRational)

<(other : T) <, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range)

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigInt)

<(other : T) <, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range)

Instance methods inherited from struct Number

*(other : Complex)
*(other : BigFloat)
, +(other : BigFloat)
+(other : Complex)
, -(other : Complex)
-(other : BigFloat)
, /(other : Complex)
/(other : BigFloat)
, //(other) //, <=>(other : BigFloat)
<=>(other) : Int32?
, ==(other : Complex) ==, abs abs, abs2 abs2, cis cis, divmod(number) divmod, format(separator = '.', delimiter = ',', decimal_places : Int? = nil, *, group : Int = 3, only_significant : Bool = false) : String
format(io : IO, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', decimal_places : Int? = nil, *, group : Int = 3, only_significant : Bool = false) : Nil
, humanize(io : IO, precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, prefixes : Indexable = SI_PREFIXES) : Nil
humanize(precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, prefixes : Proc) : Nil
humanize(precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, &) : String
humanize(io : IO, precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, &prefixes : Int32, Float64 -> Tuple(Int32, _) | Tuple(Int32, _, Bool)) : Nil
humanize(precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, prefixes = SI_PREFIXES) : String
humanize(io : IO, precision = 3, separator = '.', delimiter = ',', *, base = 10 ** 3, significant = true, prefixes : Proc) : Nil
, i i, round(digits = 0, base = 10) round, sign sign, significant(digits, base = 10) significant, step(*, to = nil, by = 1)
step(*, to = nil, by = 1, &)
, to_big_f to_big_f, to_c to_c, to_yaml(yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) to_yaml, zero? : Bool zero?

Constructor methods inherited from struct Number

zero : self zero

Class methods inherited from struct Number

si_prefix(magnitude : Int, prefixes = SI_PREFIXES) : Char? si_prefix

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(BigFloat)

<(other : T) <, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range)

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(Number)

<(other : T) <, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range)

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

! : Bool !, !=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
, =~(other) =~, as(type : Class) as, as?(type : Class) as?, class class, dup dup, hash
, inspect(io : IO) : Nil
inspect : String
, is_a?(type : Class) : Bool is_a?, itself itself, nil? : Bool nil?, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, responds_to?(name : Symbol) : Bool responds_to?, tap(&) tap, to_json(io : IO)
, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ")
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ")
, to_s : String
to_s(io : IO) : Nil
, to_yaml(io : IO)
, try(&) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as

Class methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String)
, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) from_yaml

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

[View source]
def : JSON::PullParser) #

[View source]
def #

Returns a Float64 by invoking #to_f64 on value.

[View source]

Class Method Detail

def self.from_json_object_key?(key : String) #

[View source]
def!(value) #

Returns a Float64 by invoking #to_f64! on value.

[View source]

Instance Method Detail

def !=(other : Int8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : Int16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : Int32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : Int64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : Int128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : UInt8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : UInt16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : UInt32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : UInt64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : UInt128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : Float32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def !=(other : Float64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is not equal to other.

[View source]
def *(other : Float64) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : Int16) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : Int32) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : Int64) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : Int128) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : Int8) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : UInt8) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : UInt16) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : UInt32) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : UInt64) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : UInt128) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def *(other : Float32) : self #

Returns the result of multiplying self and other.

[View source]
def **(other : Int32) #

[View source]
def **(other : Float64) #

[View source]
def **(other) #

[View source]
def +(other : Int16) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : Int32) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : Int64) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : Int128) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : UInt8) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : UInt32) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : UInt64) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : UInt128) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : Float32) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : Float64) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : UInt16) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def +(other : Int8) : self #

Returns the result of adding self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : Float32) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : Float64) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : Int16) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : Int32) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : Int64) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : Int128) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : UInt8) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : UInt16) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : UInt32) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : UInt64) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : UInt128) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def -(other : Int8) : self #

Returns the result of subtracting self and other.

[View source]
def /(other : Int8) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : BigDecimal) : BigDecimal #

[View source]
def /(other : UInt8) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : Int16) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : UInt16) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : BigFloat) : BigFloat #

[View source]
def /(other : BigInt) : BigFloat #

[View source]
def /(other : Float64) : Float64 #

Returns the result of division self and other.

[View source]
def /(other : Float32) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : UInt128) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : Int128) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : UInt64) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : Int64) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : UInt32) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : Int32) : Float64 #

[View source]
def /(other : BigRational) : BigRational #

[View source]
def <(other : Int8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : Int32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : Int64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : Int128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : UInt8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : UInt16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : UInt32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : UInt64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : UInt128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : Float32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : Float64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <(other : Int16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

[View source]
def <=(other : Int32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : Float64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : Float32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : UInt128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : UInt64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : UInt32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : UInt16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : UInt8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : Int128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : Int64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : Int16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def <=(other : Int8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : Float64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : Int8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : Float32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : UInt128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : UInt64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : UInt32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : UInt16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : UInt8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : Int128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : Int64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : Int32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def ==(other : Int16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is equal to other.

[View source]
def >(other : Float64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : Float32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : UInt128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : UInt64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : UInt32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : UInt16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : UInt8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : Int128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : Int64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : Int32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : Int16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >(other : Int8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

[View source]
def >=(other : Float64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : Float32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : UInt128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : UInt64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : UInt32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : UInt16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : UInt8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : Int128) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : Int64) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : Int32) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : Int16) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def >=(other : Int8) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

[View source]
def ceil #

[View source]
def clone #

[View source]
def floor #

[View source]
def round #
Description copied from struct Number

Rounds this number to a given precision in decimal digits.

-1763.116.round(2) # => -1763.12

[View source]
def to_f : Float64 #

Returns self converted to Float64. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_f! : Float64 #

Returns self converted to Float64. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_f32 : Float32 #

Returns self converted to Float32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_f32! : Float32 #

Returns self converted to Float32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_f64 : Float64 #

Returns self converted to Float64. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_f64! : Float64 #

Returns self converted to Float64. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_i : Int32 #

Returns self converted to Int32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_i! : Int32 #

Returns self converted to Int32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_i128 : Int128 #

Returns self converted to Int128. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_i128! : Int128 #

Returns self converted to Int128. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_i16 : Int16 #

Returns self converted to Int16. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_i16! : Int16 #

Returns self converted to Int16. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_i32 : Int32 #

Returns self converted to Int32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_i32! : Int32 #

Returns self converted to Int32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_i64 : Int64 #

Returns self converted to Int64. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_i64! : Int64 #

Returns self converted to Int64. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_i8 : Int8 #

Returns self converted to Int8. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_i8! : Int8 #

Returns self converted to Int8. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_s : String #
Description copied from class Object

Returns a string representation of this object.

Descendants must usually not override this method. Instead, they must override #to_s(io), which must append to the given IO object.

[View source]
def to_s(io : IO) : Nil #
Description copied from class Object

Appends a String representation of this object to the given IO object.

An object must never append itself to the io argument, as this will in turn call #to_s(io) on it.

[View source]
def to_u : UInt32 #

Returns self converted to UInt32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_u! : UInt32 #

Returns self converted to UInt32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_u128 : UInt128 #

Returns self converted to UInt128. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_u128! : UInt128 #

Returns self converted to UInt128. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_u16 : UInt16 #

Returns self converted to UInt16. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_u16! : UInt16 #

Returns self converted to UInt16. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_u32 : UInt32 #

Returns self converted to UInt32. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_u32! : UInt32 #

Returns self converted to UInt32. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_u64 : UInt64 #

Returns self converted to UInt64. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_u64! : UInt64 #

Returns self converted to UInt64. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def to_u8 : UInt8 #

Returns self converted to UInt8. Raises OverflowError in case of overflow.

[View source]
def to_u8! : UInt8 #

Returns self converted to UInt8. In case of overflow a wrapping is performed.

[View source]
def trunc #

[View source]