abstract struct Enum


Enum is the base type of all enums.

An enum is a set of integer values, where each value has an associated name. For example:

enum Color
  Red   # 0
  Green # 1
  Blue  # 2

Values start with the value 0 and are incremented by one, but can be overwritten.

To get the underlying value you invoke value on it:

Color::Green.value # => 1

Each constant (member) in the enum has the type of the enum:

typeof(Color::Red) # => Color

Flags enum

An enum can be marked with the @[Flags] annotation. This changes the default values:

enum IOMode
  Read  # 1
  Write # 2
  Async # 4

Additionally, some methods change their behaviour.

Enums from integers

An enum can be created from an integer:

Color.new(1).to_s # => "Green"

Values that don't correspond to enum's constants are allowed: the value will still be of type Color, but when printed you will get the underlying value:

Color.new(10).to_s # => "10"

This method is mainly intended to convert integers from C to enums in Crystal.

Question methods

An enum automatically defines question methods for each member, using String#underscore for the method name.

For example:

color = Color::Blue
color.red?  # => false
color.blue? # => true

mode = IOMode::Read | IOMode::Async
mode.read?  # => true
mode.write? # => false
mode.async? # => true

This is very convenient in case expressions:

case color
when .red?
  puts "Got red"
when .blue?
  puts "Got blue"

Changing the Base Type

The type of the underlying enum value is Int32 by default, but it can be changed to any type in Int::Primitive.

enum Color : UInt8

Color::Red.value # : UInt8

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(Enum)

<(other : T) : Bool <, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) : Bool >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range)

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

! : Bool !, !=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
, =~(other) =~, as(type : Class) as, as?(type : Class) as?, class class, dup dup, hash(hasher)
, in?(collection : Object) : Bool
in?(*values : Object) : Bool
, inspect(io : IO) : Nil
inspect : String
, is_a?(type : Class) : Bool is_a?, itself itself, nil? : Bool nil?, not_nil!(message)
, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, responds_to?(name : Symbol) : Bool responds_to?, tap(&) tap, to_json(io : IO) : Nil
to_json : String
, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ") : String
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ") : Nil
, to_s(io : IO) : Nil
to_s : String
, to_yaml(io : IO) : Nil
to_yaml : String
, try(&) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as

Class methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String)
, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) from_yaml

Macros inherited from class Object

class_getter(*names, &block) class_getter, class_getter!(*names) class_getter!, class_getter?(*names, &block) class_getter?, class_property(*names, &block) class_property, class_property!(*names) class_property!, class_property?(*names, &block) class_property?, class_setter(*names) class_setter, def_clone def_clone, def_equals(*fields) def_equals, def_equals_and_hash(*fields) def_equals_and_hash, def_hash(*fields) def_hash, delegate(*methods, to object) delegate, forward_missing_to(delegate) forward_missing_to, getter(*names, &block) getter, getter!(*names) getter!, getter?(*names, &block) getter?, property(*names, &block) property, property!(*names) property!, property?(*names, &block) property?, setter(*names) setter

Constructor Detail

def self.from_value(value : Int) : self #

Returns the enum member that has the given value, or raises if no such member exists.

Color.from_value(0) # => Color::Red
Color.from_value(1) # => Color::Green
Color.from_value(2) # => Color::Blue
Color.from_value(3) # raises Exception

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def self.new(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

Reads a serialized enum member by name from ctx and node.

See #to_yaml for reference.

Raises YAML::ParseException if the deserialization fails.

[View source]
def self.new(value : self) #

Returns value.

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def self.new(pull : JSON::PullParser) #

Reads a serialized enum member by name from pull.

See #to_json for reference.

Raises JSON::ParseException if the deserialization fails.

[View source]
def self.parse(string : String) : self #

Returns the enum member that has the given name, or raises ArgumentError if no such member exists. The comparison is made by using String#camelcase and String#downcase between string and the enum members names. Dashes (#-) in string have the same meaning as an underscore (_). A member named "FortyTwo" or "FORTY_TWO" is found with any of these strings: "forty_two", "FortyTwo", "FORTY_TWO", "Forty-Two", "FORTYTWO", "fortytwo".

Color.parse("Red")    # => Color::Red
Color.parse("BLUE")   # => Color::Blue
Color.parse("Yellow") # raises ArgumentError

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Class Method Detail

def self.each(& : self -> ) #

Iterates each member of the enum. It won't iterate the None and All members of flags enums.

IOMode.each do |member, value|
  # yield IOMode::Read, 1
  # yield IOMode::Write, 2
  # yield IOMode::Async, 3

[View source]
def self.from_value?(value : Int) : self | Nil #

Returns the enum member that has the given value, or nil if no such member exists.

Color.from_value?(0) # => Color::Red
Color.from_value?(1) # => Color::Green
Color.from_value?(2) # => Color::Blue
Color.from_value?(3) # => nil

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def self.names : Array(String) #

Returns all enum members as an Array(String).

Color.names # => ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]

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def self.parse?(string : String) : self | Nil #

Returns the enum member that has the given name, or nil if no such member exists. The comparison is made by using String#camelcase and String#downcase between string and the enum members names. Dashes (#-) in string have the same meaning as an underscore (_). A member named "FortyTwo", or "FORTY_TWO" is found with any of these strings: "forty_two", "FortyTwo", "FORTY_TWO", "Forty-Two", "FORTYTWO", "fortytwo".

Color.parse?("Red")    # => Color::Red
Color.parse?("BLUE")   # => Color::Blue
Color.parse?("Yellow") # => nil

If multiple members match the same normalized string, the first one is returned.

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def self.valid?(value : self) : Bool #

Returns true if the given value is an enum member, otherwise false. false if not member.

Color.valid?(Color::Red)   # => true
Color.valid?(Color.new(4)) # => false

NOTE This is a class method, not an instance method because an instance method .valid? is defined by the language when a user defines an enum member named Valid.

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def self.values : Array(self) #

Returns all enum members as an Array(self).

Color.values # => [Color::Red, Color::Green, Color::Blue]

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Macro Detail

macro [](*values) #

Convenience macro to create a combined enum (combines given members using #| (or) logical operator).

Arguments can be the name of a member, a symbol representing a member name or a numerical value.

IOMode[Read]             # => IOMode[Read]
IOMode[1]                # => IOMode[Read]
IOMode[Read, Write]      # => IOMode[Read, Write]
IOMode[Read, 64]         # => IOMode[Read, 64]
IOMode[Read, :write, 64] # => IOMode[Read, Write, 64]

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macro flags(*values) #

Convenience macro to create a combined enum (combines given members using #| (or) logical operator)

IOMode.flags(Read, Write) # => IOMode[Read, Write]
  • Enum.[] is a more advanced alternative which also allows int and symbol parameters.

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Instance Method Detail

def &(other : self) : self #

Returns the enum member that results from applying a logical "and" operation between this enum member's value and other. This is mostly useful with flag enums.

(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Async) & IOMode::Read # => IOMode::Read

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def +(other : Int) : self #

Returns the enum member that results from adding other to this enum member's value.

Color::Red + 1 # => Color::Green
Color::Red + 2 # => Color::Blue
Color::Red + 3 # => Color.new(3)

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def -(other : Int) : self #

Returns the enum member that results from subtracting other to this enum member's value.

Color::Blue - 1 # => Color::Green
Color::Blue - 2 # => Color::Red
Color::Blue - 3 # => Color.new(-1)

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def <=>(other : self) #

Compares this enum member against another, according to their underlying value.

Color::Red <=> Color::Blue  # => -1
Color::Blue <=> Color::Red  # => 1
Color::Blue <=> Color::Blue # => 0

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def ==(other : self) #

Returns true if this enum member and other have the same underlying value.

Color::Red == Color::Red  # => true
Color::Red == Color::Blue # => false

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def ==(other) #
Description copied from struct Value

Returns false.

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def ^(other : self) : self #

Returns the enum member that results from applying a logical "xor" operation between this enum member's value and other. This is mostly useful with flag enums.

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def |(other : self) : self #

Returns the enum member that results from applying a logical "or" operation between this enum member's value and other. This is mostly useful with flag enums.

(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Async) # => IOMode::Read | IOMode::Async

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def ~ : self #

Returns the enum member that results from applying a logical "not" operation of this enum member's value.

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def clone #

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def each(& : self -> ) #

Iterates each values in a Flags Enum.

(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Async).each do |member, value|
  # yield IOMode::Read, 1
  # yield IOMode::Async, 3

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def hash(hasher) #

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def includes?(other : self) : Bool #

Returns true if this enum member's value includes other. This performs a logical "and" between this enum member's value and other's.

This is mostly useful for flag enums.

For example:

mode = IOMode::Read | IOMode::Write
mode.includes?(IOMode::Read)  # => true
mode.includes?(IOMode::Async) # => false

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def inspect(io : IO) : Nil #

Returns an unambiguous String representation of this enum member. In the case of a single member value, this is the fully qualified name of the member (equivalent to #to_s with the enum name as prefix). In the case of multiple members (for a flags enum), it's a call to Enum.[] for recreating the same value.

If the value can't be represented fully by named members, the remaining value is appended.

Color::Red                     # => Color:Red
IOMode::None                   # => IOMode::None
(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Write) # => IOMode[Read, Write]

Color.new(10) # => Color[10]

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def to_f32 : Float32 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Float32

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def to_f32! : Float32 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Float32

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def to_f64 : Float64 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Float64

[View source]
def to_f64! : Float64 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Float64

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def to_i : Int32 #

Returns the value of this enum member as an Int32.

Color::Blue.to_i                    # => 2
(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Write).to_i # => 3

Color.new(10).to_i # => 10

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def to_i128 : Int128 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int128

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def to_i128! : Int128 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int128

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def to_i16 : Int16 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int16

[View source]
def to_i16! : Int16 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int16

[View source]
def to_i32 : Int32 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int32

[View source]
def to_i32! : Int32 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int32

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def to_i64 : Int64 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int64

[View source]
def to_i64! : Int64 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int64

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def to_i8 : Int8 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int8

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def to_i8! : Int8 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a Int8

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def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) #

Serializes this enum member by name.

For non-flags enums, the serialization is a JSON string. The value is the member name (see #to_s) transformed with String#underscore.

enum Stages

Stages::INITIAL.to_json      # => %("initial")
Stages::SECOND_STAGE.to_json # => %("second_stage")

For flags enums, the serialization is a JSON array including every flagged member individually serialized in the same way as a member of a non-flags enum. None is serialized as an empty array, All as an array containing all members.

enum Sides

Sides::LEFT.to_json                  # => %(["left"])
(Sides::LEFT | Sides::RIGHT).to_json # => %(["left","right"])
Sides::All.to_json                   # => %(["left","right"])
Sides::None.to_json                  # => %([])

ValueConverter.to_json offers a different serialization strategy based on the member value.

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def to_s(io : IO) : Nil #

Appends a String representation of this enum member to the given io.

See also: #to_s.

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def to_s : String #

Returns a String representation of this enum member. In the case of regular enums, this is just the name of the member. In the case of flag enums, it's the names joined by vertical bars, or "None", if the value is zero.

If an enum's value doesn't match a member's value, the raw value is returned as a string.

Color::Red.to_s                     # => "Red"
IOMode::None.to_s                   # => "None"
(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Write).to_s # => "Read | Write"

Color.new(10).to_s # => "10"

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def to_u128 : UInt128 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt128

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def to_u128! : UInt128 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt128

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def to_u16 : UInt16 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt16

[View source]
def to_u16! : UInt16 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt16

[View source]
def to_u32 : UInt32 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt32

[View source]
def to_u32! : UInt32 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt32

[View source]
def to_u64 : UInt64 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt64

[View source]
def to_u64! : UInt64 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt64

[View source]
def to_u8 : UInt8 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt8

[View source]
def to_u8! : UInt8 #

Returns the value of this enum member as a UInt8

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def to_yaml(yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) #

Serializes this enum member by name.

For non-flags enums, the serialization is a YAML string. The value is the member name (see #to_s) transformed with String#underscore.

enum Stages

Stages::INITIAL.to_yaml      # => %(--- initial\n)
Stages::SECOND_STAGE.to_yaml # => %(--- second_stage\n)

For flags enums, the serialization is a YAML sequence including every flagged member individually serialized in the same way as a member of a non-flags enum. None is serialized as an empty sequence, All as a sequence containing all members.

enum Sides

Sides::LEFT.to_yaml                  # => %(--- [left]\n)
(Sides::LEFT | Sides::RIGHT).to_yaml # => %(--- [left, right]\n)
Sides::All.to_yaml                   # => %(--- [left, right]\n)
Sides::None.to_yaml                  # => %(--- []\n)

ValueConverter.to_yaml offers a different serialization strategy based on the member value.

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def value : Int #

Returns the underlying value held by the enum instance.

enum Color

Color::Red.value   # => 0
Color::Green.value # => 1
Color::Blue.value  # => 2

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