class Crystal::Macros::Arg


A def argument.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Crystal::Macros::ASTNode

!=(other : ASTNode) : BoolLiteral !=, ==(other : ASTNode) : BoolLiteral ==, class_name : StringLiteral class_name, column_number : StringLiteral | NilLiteral column_number, end_column_number : StringLiteral | NilLiteral end_column_number, end_line_number : StringLiteral | NilLiteral end_line_number, filename : StringLiteral | NilLiteral filename, id : MacroId id, is_a?(type : TypeNode) : BoolLiteral is_a?, line_number : StringLiteral | NilLiteral line_number, nil? : BoolLiteral nil?, raise(message) : NoReturn raise, stringify : StringLiteral stringify, symbolize : SymbolLiteral symbolize, warning(message : StringLiteral) : NilLiteral warning

Instance Method Detail

def annotation(type : TypeNode) : Annotation | NilLiteral #

Returns the last Annotation with the given type attached to this arg or NilLiteral if there are none.

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def annotations(type : TypeNode) : ArrayLiteral(Annotation) #

Returns an array of annotations with the given type attached to this arg, or an empty ArrayLiteral if there are none.

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def annotations : ArrayLiteral(Annotation) #

Returns an array of all annotations attached to this arg, or an empty ArrayLiteral if there are none.

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def default_value : ASTNode | Nop #

Returns the default value of this argument, if any.

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def internal_name : MacroId #

Returns the internal name of this argument.

For example, for def write(to file) returns file.

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def name : MacroId #

Returns the external name of this argument.

For example, for def write(to file) returns to.

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def restriction : ASTNode | Nop #

Returns the type restriction of this argument, if any.

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