struct XML::Node

Defined in:


Constant Summary

LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH = /^(\.\/|\/|\.\.|\.$)/

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Struct

==(other : self) : Bool ==, hash : Int32 hash, inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, to_s(io) to_s

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other) ==, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

!=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other)
===(other : YAML::Any)
===(other : JSON::Any)
, =~(other) =~, class class, crystal_type_id crystal_type_id, dup dup, hash hash, inspect(io : IO)
, itself itself, not_nil! not_nil!, tap(&block) tap, to_json to_json, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ")
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ")
, to_s
to_s(io : IO)
, to_yaml
to_yaml(io : IO)
, try(&block) try

Class methods inherited from class Object

==(other : Class) ==, ===(other) ===, cast(other) : self cast, clone clone, dup dup, from_json(string_or_io) : self
from_json(string_or_io, root : String) : self
, from_yaml(string : String) : self from_yaml, hash hash, inspect(io) inspect, name : String name, nilable? nilable?, to_s(io) to_s, |(other : U.class) forall U |

Class Method Detail

def : Pointer(LibXML::Node)) #

Creates a new node.

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def : Pointer(LibXML::Doc)) #

Creates a new node.

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def : Pointer(LibXML::Attr)) #

Creates a new node.

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : Node) #

Compares with other.

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def [](attribute : String) #

Gets the attribute content for the attribute given by name. Raises KeyError if attribute is not found.

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def []?(attribute : String) #

Gets the attribute content for the attribute given by name. Returns nil if attribute is not found.

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def attribute? #

Returns true if this is an attribute node.

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def attributes #

Returns attributes of this node as an XML::Attributes.

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def cdata? #

Returns true if this is a CDATA section node.

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def children #

Gets the list of children for this node as a XML::NodeSet.

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def comment? #

Returns true if this is a comment node.

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def content #

Returns the content for this Node. Returns nil if node does not have any content.

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def content=(content) #

Sets the Node's content to a Text node containing string. The string gets XML escaped, not interpreted as markup.

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def document #

Gets the document for this Node as a XML::Node.

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def document? #

Returns true if this is a Document node.

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def element? #

Returns true if this is an Element node.

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def encoding #

Returns the encoding of this node's document

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def errors #

Returns the list of XML::Error found when parsing this document. Returns nil if no errors were found.

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def first_element_child #

Returns the first child node of this node that is an element. Returns nil if not found.

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def fragment? #

Returns true if this is a DocumentFragment.

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def hash #

Returns this node's #object_id as the hash value.

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def inner_text #

Returns the content for this Node.

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def inspect(io) #

Returns detailed information for this node including node type, name, attributes and children.

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def name #

Returns the name for this Node.

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def name=(name) #

Sets the name for this Node.

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def namespace #

Returns the namespace for this node or nil if not found.

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def namespace_scopes #

Returns namespaces in scope for self – those defined on self element directly or any ancestor node – as an Array of XML::Namespace objects. Default namespaces ("xmlns=" style) for self are included in this array; Default namespaces for ancestors, however, are not. See also #namespaces

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def namespaces #

Returns a Hash(String, String?) of prefix => href for all namespaces on this node and its ancestors.

This method returns the same namespaces as #namespace_scopes.

Returns namespaces in scope for self – those defined on self element directly or any ancestor node – as a Hash of attribute-name/value pairs. Note that the keys in this hash XML attributes that would be used to define this namespace, such as "xmlns:prefix", not just the prefix.

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def next #

Returns the next sibling node or nil if not found.

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def next_element #

Returns the next element node sibling or nil if not found.

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def next_sibling #

Returns the next sibling node or nil if not found.

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def object_id #

Returns the address of underlying LibXML::Node* in memory,

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def parent #

Returns the parent node or nil if not found.

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def previous #

Returns the previous sibling node or nil if not found.

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def previous_element #

Returns the previous sibling node that is an element or nil if not found.

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def previous_sibling #

Returns the previous sibling node or nil if not found. Same with #previous.

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def processing_instruction? #

Returns true if this is a Processing Instruction node.

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def root #

Returns the root node for this document or nil.

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def text #

Same as #content.

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def text=(text) #

Same as #content=.

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def text? #

Returns true if this is a Text node.

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def to_s(io : IO) #

Serialize this Node as XML to io using default options. See #to_xml.

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def to_unsafe : Pointer(LibXML::Node) #

Returns underlying LibXML::Node* instance.

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def to_xml(indent : Int = 2, indent_text = " ", options : SaveOptions = SaveOptions.xml_default) #

Serialize this Node as XML and return a String using default options.

See XML::SaveOptions.xml_default for default options.

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def to_xml(io : IO, indent = 2, indent_text = " ", options : SaveOptions = SaveOptions.xml_default) #

Serialize this Node as XML to io using default options.

See XML::SaveOptions.xml_default for default options.

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def type #

Returns the type for this Node as XML::Type.

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def version #

Returns the version of this node's document

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def xml? #

Returns true if this is an xml Document node.

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def xpath(path, namespaces = nil, variables = nil) #

Searches this node for XPath path. Returns result with appropriate type (Bool | Float64 | String | XML::NodeSet). Raises XML::Error on evaluation error.

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def xpath_bool(path, namespaces = nil, variables = nil) #

Searches this node for XPath path and restricts the return type to Bool.

node.xpath_bool("count(//person) > 0")

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def xpath_float(path, namespaces = nil, variables = nil) #

Searches this node for XPath path and restricts the return type to Float64.


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def xpath_node(path, namespaces = nil, variables = nil) #

Searches this node for XPath path for nodes and returns the first one. or nil if not found


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def xpath_nodes(path, namespaces = nil, variables = nil) #

Searches this node for XPath path and restricts the return type to NodeSet.


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def xpath_string(path, namespaces = nil, variables = nil) #

Searches this node for XPath path and restricts the return type to String.


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