enum WasiError

Defined in:


Enum Members

SUCCESS = 0_u16
TOOBIG = 1_u16

No error occurred. System call completed successfully.

ACCES = 2_u16

Argument list too long.


Permission denied.


Address in use.


Address not available.

AGAIN = 6_u16

Address family not supported.

ALREADY = 7_u16

Resource unavailable, or operation would block.

BADF = 8_u16

Connection already in progress.

BADMSG = 9_u16

Bad file descriptor.

BUSY = 10_u16

Bad message.

CANCELED = 11_u16

Device or resource busy.

CHILD = 12_u16

Operation canceled.


No child processes.


Connection aborted.

CONNRESET = 15_u16

Connection refused.

DEADLK = 16_u16

Connection reset.


Resource deadlock would occur.

DOM = 18_u16

Destination address required.

DQUOT = 19_u16

Mathematics argument out of domain of function.

EXIST = 20_u16


FAULT = 21_u16

File exists.

FBIG = 22_u16

Bad address.


File too large.

IDRM = 24_u16

Host is unreachable.

ILSEQ = 25_u16

Identifier removed.


Illegal byte sequence.

INTR = 27_u16

Operation in progress.

INVAL = 28_u16

Interrupted function.

IO = 29_u16

Invalid argument.

ISCONN = 30_u16

I/O error.

ISDIR = 31_u16

Socket is connected.

LOOP = 32_u16

Is a directory.

MFILE = 33_u16

Too many levels of symbolic links.

MLINK = 34_u16

File descriptor value too large.

MSGSIZE = 35_u16

Too many links.

MULTIHOP = 36_u16

Message too large.



NETDOWN = 38_u16

Filename too long.

NETRESET = 39_u16

Network is down.


Connection aborted by network.

NFILE = 41_u16

Network unreachable.

NOBUFS = 42_u16

Too many files open in system.

NODEV = 43_u16

No buffer space available.

NOENT = 44_u16

No such device.

NOEXEC = 45_u16

No such file or directory.

NOLCK = 46_u16

Executable file format error.

NOLINK = 47_u16

No locks available.

NOMEM = 48_u16


NOMSG = 49_u16

Not enough space.


No message of the desired type.

NOSPC = 51_u16

Protocol not available.

NOSYS = 52_u16

No space left on device.

NOTCONN = 53_u16

Function not supported.

NOTDIR = 54_u16

The socket is not connected.

NOTEMPTY = 55_u16

Not a directory or a symbolic link to a directory.


Directory not empty.

NOTSOCK = 57_u16

State not recoverable.

NOTSUP = 58_u16

Not a socket.

NOTTY = 59_u16

Not supported, or operation not supported on socket.

NXIO = 60_u16

Inappropriate I/O control operation.

OVERFLOW = 61_u16

No such device or address.

OWNERDEAD = 62_u16

Value too large to be stored in data type.

PERM = 63_u16

Previous owner died.

PIPE = 64_u16

Operation not permitted.

PROTO = 65_u16

Broken pipe.


Protocol error.

PROTOTYPE = 67_u16

Protocol not supported.

RANGE = 68_u16

Protocol wrong type for socket.

ROFS = 69_u16

Result too large.

SPIPE = 70_u16

Read-only file system.

SRCH = 71_u16

Invalid seek.

STALE = 72_u16

No such process.

TIMEDOUT = 73_u16


TXTBSY = 74_u16

Connection timed out.

XDEV = 75_u16

Text file busy.


Cross-device link.

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Enum

&(other : self) : self &, +(other : Int) : self +, -(other : Int) : self -, <=>(other : self) <=>, ==(other : self)
, ^(other : self) : self ^, |(other : self) : self |, ~ : self ~, clone clone, each(& : self -> ) each, hash(hasher) hash, includes?(other : self) : Bool includes?, to_f32 : Float32 to_f32, to_f32! : Float32 to_f32!, to_f64 : Float64 to_f64, to_f64! : Float64 to_f64!, to_i : Int32 to_i, to_i16 : Int16 to_i16, to_i16! : Int16 to_i16!, to_i32 : Int32 to_i32, to_i32! : Int32 to_i32!, to_i64 : Int64 to_i64, to_i64! : Int64 to_i64!, to_i8 : Int8 to_i8, to_i8! : Int8 to_i8!, to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json, to_s(io : IO) : Nil
to_s : String
, to_u16 : UInt16 to_u16, to_u16! : UInt16 to_u16!, to_u32 : UInt32 to_u32, to_u32! : UInt32 to_u32!, to_u64 : UInt64 to_u64, to_u64! : UInt64 to_u64!, to_u8 : UInt8 to_u8, to_u8! : UInt8 to_u8!, to_yaml(yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) to_yaml, value : Int value

Constructor methods inherited from struct Enum

from_value(value : Int) : self from_value, from_value?(value : Int) : self? from_value?, new(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node)
new(value : self)
new(pull : JSON::PullParser)
, parse(string : String) : self parse, parse?(string : String) : self? parse?

Class methods inherited from struct Enum

each(& : self -> ) each, names : Array(String) names, valid?(value : self) : Bool valid?, values : Array(self) values

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(Enum)

<(other : T) : Bool <, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) : Bool >, >=(other : T) >=, clamp(min, max)
clamp(range : Range)

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

! : Bool !, !=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
, =~(other) =~, as(type : Class) as, as?(type : Class) as?, class class, dup dup, hash(hasher)
, in?(collection : Object) : Bool
in?(*values : Object) : Bool
, inspect(io : IO) : Nil
inspect : String
, is_a?(type : Class) : Bool is_a?, itself itself, nil? : Bool nil?, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, responds_to?(name : Symbol) : Bool responds_to?, tap(&) tap, to_json(io : IO) : Nil
to_json : String
, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ") : String
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ") : Nil
, to_s(io : IO) : Nil
to_s : String
, to_yaml(io : IO) : Nil
to_yaml : String
, try(&) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as

Class methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String)
, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) from_yaml

Instance Method Detail

def acces? #

[View source]
def addrinuse? #

[View source]
def addrnotavail? #

[View source]
def afnosupport? #

[View source]
def again? #

[View source]
def already? #

[View source]
def badf? #

[View source]
def badmsg? #

[View source]
def busy? #

[View source]
def canceled? #

[View source]
def child? #

[View source]
def connaborted? #

[View source]
def connrefused? #

[View source]
def connreset? #

[View source]
def deadlk? #

[View source]
def destaddrreq? #

[View source]
def dom? #

[View source]
def dquot? #

[View source]
def exist? #

[View source]
def fault? #

[View source]
def fbig? #

[View source]
def hostunreach? #

[View source]
def idrm? #

[View source]
def ilseq? #

[View source]
def inprogress? #

[View source]
def intr? #

[View source]
def inval? #

[View source]
def io? #

[View source]
def isconn? #

[View source]
def isdir? #

[View source]
def loop? #

[View source]
def message : String #

Returns the system error message associated with this error code.

[View source]
def mfile? #

[View source]
def mlink? #

[View source]
def msgsize? #

[View source]
def multihop? #

[View source]
def nametoolong? #

[View source]
def netdown? #

[View source]
def netreset? #

[View source]
def netunreach? #

[View source]
def nfile? #

[View source]
def nobufs? #

[View source]
def nodev? #

[View source]
def noent? #

[View source]
def noexec? #

[View source]
def nolck? #

[View source]
def nolink? #

[View source]
def nomem? #

[View source]
def nomsg? #

[View source]
def noprotoopt? #

[View source]
def nospc? #

[View source]
def nosys? #

[View source]
def notcapable? #

[View source]
def notconn? #

[View source]
def notdir? #

[View source]
def notempty? #

[View source]
def notrecoverable? #

[View source]
def notsock? #

[View source]
def notsup? #

[View source]
def notty? #

[View source]
def nxio? #

[View source]
def overflow? #

[View source]
def ownerdead? #

[View source]
def perm? #

[View source]
def pipe? #

[View source]
def proto? #

[View source]
def protonosupport? #

[View source]
def prototype? #

[View source]
def range? #

[View source]
def rofs? #

[View source]
def spipe? #

[View source]
def srch? #

[View source]
def stale? #

[View source]
def success? #

[View source]
def timedout? #

[View source]
def to_errno : Errno #

Transforms this WasiError value to the equivalent Errno value.

This is only defined for some values. If no transformation is defined for a specific value, the default result is Errno::EINVAL.

[View source]
def toobig? #

[View source]
def txtbsy? #

[View source]
def xdev? #

[View source]