class Log::EntriesChecker
DSL for Log.capture
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
#check(level : Severity, message : String, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__) : self
Validates that at some point the indicated entry was emitted
#check(level : Severity, pattern : Regex, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__) : self
Validates that at some point the indicated entry was emitted
Clears the emitted entries so far
#empty(file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__)
Validates that there are no outstanding entries
- #entry : Entry
- #entry? : Entry?
#next(level : Severity, message : String, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__) : self
Validates that the indicated entry was the next one to be emitted
#next(level : Severity, pattern : Regex, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__) : self
Validates that the indicated entry was the next one to be emitted
Instance methods inherited from class Reference
==(other : self)==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
==(other) ==, dup dup, hash(hasher) hash, inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, object_id : UInt64 object_id, pretty_print(pp) : Nil pretty_print, same?(other : Reference) : Bool
same?(other : Nil) same?, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s
Constructor methods inherited from class Reference
Instance methods inherited from class Object
! : Bool
===(other : JSON::Any)===(other : YAML::Any)
===(other) ===, =~(other) =~, as(type : Class) as, as?(type : Class) as?, class class, dup dup, hash(hasher)
hash hash, in?(collection : Object) : Bool
in?(*values : Object) : Bool in?, inspect(io : IO) : Nil
inspect : String inspect, is_a?(type : Class) : Bool is_a?, itself itself, nil? : Bool nil?, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, responds_to?(name : Symbol) : Bool responds_to?, tap(&) tap, to_json(io : IO) : Nil
to_json : String to_json, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ") : String
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ") : Nil to_pretty_json, to_s(io : IO) : Nil
to_s : String to_s, to_yaml(io : IO) : Nil
to_yaml : String to_yaml, try(&) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as
Class methods inherited from class Object
from_json(string_or_io, root : String)from_json(string_or_io) from_json, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) from_yaml
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
Validates that at some point the indicated entry was emitted
Validates that at some point the indicated entry was emitted
Validates that the indicated entry was the next one to be emitted
Validates that the indicated entry was the next one to be emitted