struct Path


Path.posix("/foo").absolute? # => true"/foo").absolute? # => false

Path.posix("foo") == Path.posix("FOO") # => false"foo") =="FOO") # => true

Included Modules

Defined in:

Constant Summary

SEPARATORS = separators(Kind.native)

The file/directory separator characters of the current platform. {'/'} on POSIX, {'\\', '/'} on Windows.


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Comparable(Path)

<(other : T) <, <=(other : T) <=, <=>(other : T) <=>, ==(other : T) ==, >(other : T) >, >=(other : T) >=

Instance methods inherited from struct Struct

==(other) : Bool ==, hash(hasher) hash, inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, pretty_print(pp) : Nil pretty_print, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Instance methods inherited from struct Value

==(other : JSON::Any)
==(other : YAML::Any)
, dup dup

Instance methods inherited from class Object

!=(other) !=, !~(other) !~, ==(other) ==, ===(other : JSON::Any)
===(other : YAML::Any)
, =~(other) =~, class class, dup dup, hash(hasher)
, inspect(io : IO) : Nil
inspect : String
, itself itself, not_nil! not_nil!, pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String pretty_inspect, pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil pretty_print, tap(&block) tap, to_json(io : IO)
, to_pretty_json(indent : String = " ")
to_pretty_json(io : IO, indent : String = " ")
, to_s : String
to_s(io : IO) : Nil
, to_yaml(io : IO)
, try(&block) try, unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T unsafe_as

Constructor methods inherited from class Object

from_json(string_or_io, root : String) : self
from_json(string_or_io) : self
, from_yaml(string_or_io : String | IO) : self from_yaml

Constructor Detail

def self.[](parts : Enumerable) : Path #

Creates a new Path of native kind.

When compiling for a windows target, this is equal to, otherwise Path.posix is used.

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def self.[](name : String, *parts) : Path #

Creates a new Path of native kind.

When compiling for a windows target, this is equal to, otherwise Path.posix is used.

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def self.home : Path #

Returns the path of the home directory of the current user.

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def : String = "") : Path #

Creates a new Path of native kind.

When compiling for a windows target, this is equal to, otherwise Path.posix is used.

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def : Enumerable) : Path #

Creates a new Path of native kind.

When compiling for a windows target, this is equal to, otherwise Path.posix is used.

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def : String, *parts) : Path #

Creates a new Path of native kind.

When compiling for a windows target, this is equal to, otherwise Path.posix is used.

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def self.posix(name : String = "") : Path #

Creates a new Path of POSIX kind.

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def self.posix(parts : Enumerable) : Path #

Creates a new Path of POSIX kind.

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def self.posix(name : String, *parts) : Path #

Creates a new Path of POSIX kind.

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def : String = "") : Path #

Creates a new Path of Windows kind.

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def : Enumerable) : Path #

Creates a new Path of Windows kind.

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def : String, *parts) : Path #

Creates a new Path of Windows kind.

[View source]

Instance Method Detail

def /(part : Path | String) : Path #

Appends the given part to this path and returns the joined path.

Path["foo"] / "bar" / "baz"     # => Path["foo/bar/baz"]
Path["foo/"] / Path["/bar/baz"] # => Path["foo/bar/baz"]

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def <=>(other : Path) #

Compares this path to other.

The comparison is performed strictly lexically: foo and ./foo are not treated as equal. To compare paths semantically, they need to be normalized and converted to the same kind.

Path["foo"] <=> Path["foo"]               # => 0
Path["foo"] <=> Path["./foo"]             # => 1
Path.posix("foo") <=>"foo") # => -1

Comparison is case-sensitive for POSIX paths and case-insensitive for Windows paths.

Path.posix("foo") <=> Path.posix("FOO")     # => 1"foo") <=>"FOO") # => 0

[View source]
def absolute? : Bool #

Returns true if this path is absolute.

A POSIX path is absolute if it begins with a forward slash (#/). A Windows path is absolute if it begins with a drive letter and root (C:\) or with a UNC share (\\server\share\).

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def anchor : Path? #

Returns the concatenation of #drive and #root.

Path["/etc/"].anchor                       # => Path["/"]"C:Program Files").anchor     # =>"C:")"C:\Program Files").anchor    # =>"C:\")"\\host\share\folder").anchor # =>"\\host\share\")

[View source]
def basename(suffix : String? = nil) : String #

Returns the last component of this path.

If suffix is given, it is stripped from the end.

Path["/foo/bar/"].basename # => ""
Path["/foo/bar/"].basename        # => "bar"
Path["/"].basename                # => "/"
Path[""].basename                 # => ""

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def dirname : String #

Returns all components of this path except the last one.

Path["/foo/bar/"].dirname # => "/foo/bar"

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def drive : Path? #

Returns a path representing the drive component or nil if this path does not contain a drive.

See #anchor for the combination of drive and #root."C:\Program Files").drive    # =>"C:")"\\host\share\folder").drive # =>"\\host\share")

NOTE Drives are only available for Windows paths. It can either be a drive letter (C:) or a UNC share (\\host\share).

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def drive_and_root : Tuple(String?, String?) #

Returns a tuple of #drive and #root as strings.

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def each_parent(&block : Path -> ) #

Yields each parent of this path beginning with the topmost parent.

Path["foo/bar/"].each_parent { |parent| puts parent }
# Path["."]
# Path["foo"]
# Path["foo/bar"]

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def each_part(&block) #

Yields each component of this path as a String.

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def ends_with_separator? #

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def expand(base : Path | String = Dir.current, *, home = Path.home, expand_base = true) : Path #

Converts this path to an absolute path. Relative paths are referenced from the current working directory of the process (Dir.current) unless base is given, in which case it will be used as the reference path.

Path["foo"].expand             # => Path["/current/path/foo"]
Path["~/crystal/foo"].expand   # => Path["/home/crystal/foo"]
Path["baz"].expand("/foo/bar") # => Path["/foo/bar/baz"]

home specifies the home directory which ~ will expand to. If expand_base is true, base itself will be exanded in Dir.current if it is not an absolute path. This guarantees the method returns an absolute path (assuming that Dir.current is absolute).

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def extension : String #

Returns the extension of this path, or an empty string if it has no extension.

Path[""].extension # => ".cr"
Path["foo"].extension    # => ""

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def inspect(io : IO) #

Inspects this path to io.

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def join(parts : Enumerable) : Path #

Appends the given parts to this path and returns the joined path.

Path["foo"].join("bar", "baz")           # => Path["foo/bar/baz"]
Path["foo/"].join(Path["/bar/", "/baz"]) # => Path["foo/bar/baz"]
Path["/foo/"].join("/bar/", "/baz/")     # => Path["/foo/bar/baz/"]

Non-matching paths are implicitly converted to this path's kind.

Path.posix("foo/bar").join("baz\baq"))  # => Path.posix("foo/bar/baz/baq")"foo\\bar").join(Path.posix("baz/baq")) # => Path.posix("foo\\bar\\baz/baq")

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def join(*parts) : Path #

Appends the given parts to this path and returns the joined path.

Path["foo"].join("bar", "baz")       # => Path["foo/bar/baz"]
Path["foo/"].join("/bar/", "/baz")   # => Path["foo/bar/baz"]
Path["/foo/"].join("/bar/", "/baz/") # => Path["/foo/bar/baz/"]

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def native? : Bool #

Returns true if this is a native path for the target platform.

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def normalize(*, remove_final_separator : Bool = true) : Path #

Removes redundant elements from this path and returns the shortest equivalent path by purely lexical processing. It applies the following rules iteratively until no further processing can be done:

  1. Replace multiple slashes with a single slash.
  2. Eliminate each . path name element (the current directory).
  3. Eliminate each .. path name element (the parent directory) preceded
 by a non-`..` element along with the latter.
  1. Eliminate .. elements that begin a rooted path:
 that is, replace `"/.."` by `"/"` at the beginning of a path.

If the path turns to be empty, the current directory (".") is returned.

The returned path ends in a slash only if it is the root ("/", \, or C:\).

See also Rob Pike: Lexical File Names in Plan 9 or Getting Dot-Dot Right

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def parent : Path #

Returns the parent path of this path.

If the path is empty or ".", it returns ".". If the path is rooted and in the top-most hierarchy, the root path is returned.

Path["foo/bar/"].parent # => Path["foo/bar"]
Path["foo"].parent             # => Path["."]
Path["/foo"].parent            # => Path["/"]
Path["/"].parent               # => Path["/"]
Path[""].parent                # => Path["."]
Path["foo/bar/."].parent       # => Path["foo/bar"]

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def parents : Array(Path) #

Returns all parent paths of this path beginning with the topmost path.

Path["foo/bar/"].parents # => [Path["."], Path["foo"], Path["foo/bar"]]

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def parts : Array(String) #

Returns the components of this path as an Array(String).

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def posix? : Bool #

Returns true if this is a POSIX path.

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def root : Path? #

Returns the root path component of this path or nil if it is not rooted.

See #anchor for the combination of #drive and root.

Path["/etc/"].root                       # => Path["/"]"C:Program Files").root     # => nil"C:\Program Files").root    # =>"\")"\\host\share\folder").root # =>"\")

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def sibling(name : Path | String) : Path? #

Resolves path name in this path's parent directory.

Raises Path::Error if #parent is nil.

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def to_kind(kind) #

Converts this path to the given kind.

See #to_windows and #to_posix for details.

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def to_posix : Path #

Converts this path to a POSIX path."foo/bar\\baz").to_posix # => Path.posix("foo/bar/baz")
Path.posix("foo/bar").to_posix        # => Path.posix("foo/bar")
Path.posix("foo/bar\\baz").to_posix   # => Path.posix("foo/bar\\baz")

It returns a copy of this instance if it already has POSIX kind. Otherwise a new instance is created with Kind::POSIX and all occurences of backslash file separators (\\) replaced by forward slash (#/).

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def to_s : String #

Returns the string representation of this path.

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def to_s(io : IO) #

Appends the string representation of this path to io.

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def to_uri : URI #

Returns a new URI with file scheme from this path.

A URI can only be created with an absolute path. Raises Path::Error if this path is not absolute.

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def to_windows : Path #

Converts this path to a Windows path.

Path.posix("foo/bar").to_windows   # =>"foo/bar")"foo/bar").to_windows # =>"foo/bar")

This creates a new instance with the same string representation but with Kind::WINDOWS.

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def windows? : Bool #

Returns true if this is a Windows path.

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