module FileUtils

Extended Modules

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def cd(path : String) #

Changes the current working directory of the process to the given string path.

require "file_utils""/tmp")

NOTE Alias of

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def cd(path : String, &block) #

Changes the current working firectory of the process to the given string path and invoked the block, restoring the original working directory when the block exits."/tmp") { Dir.current } # => "/tmp"

NOTE Alias of with block

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def cmp(filename1 : String, filename2 : String) #

Compares two files filename1 to filename2 to determine if they are identical. Returns true if content are the same, false otherwise.

File.write("", "1")
File.write("", "1")
FileUtils.cmp("", "") # => true

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def cmp(stream1 : IO, stream2 : IO) #

Compares two streams stream1 to stream2 to determine if they are identical. Returns true if content are the same, false otherwise.

File.write("afile", "123")
stream1 ="afile")
stream2 ="123")
FileUtils.cmp(stream1, stream2) # => true

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def cp(src_path : String, dest : String) #

Copies the file src_path to the file or directory dest. If dest is a directory, a file with the same basename as src_path is created in dest Permission bits are copied too.

File.chmod("afile", 0o600)
FileUtils.cp("afile", "afile_copy")
File.stat("afile_copy").perm # => 0o600

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def cp(srcs : Enumerable(String), dest : String) #

Copies a list of files src to dest. dest must be an existing directory.

FileUtils.cp({"", "afile"}, "files")

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def cp_r(src_path : String, dest_path : String) #

Copies a file or directory src_path to dest_path. If src_path is a directory, this method copies all its contents recursively

FileUtils.cp_r("files", "dir")

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def mkdir(path : String, mode = 511) : Nil #

Creates a new directory at the given path. The linux-style permission mode can be specified, with a default of 777 (0o777).


NOTE Alias of Dir.mkdir

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def mkdir(paths : Enumerable(String), mode = 511) : Nil #

Creates a new directory at the given paths. The linux-style permission mode can be specified, with a default of 777 (0o777).

FileUtils.mkdir(["foo", "bar"])

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def mkdir_p(path : String, mode = 511) : Nil #

Creates a new directory at the given path, including any non-existing intermediate directories. The linux-style permission mode can be specified, with a default of 777 (0o777).


NOTE Alias of Dir.mkdir_p

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def mkdir_p(paths : Enumerable(String), mode = 511) : Nil #

Creates a new directory at the given paths, including any non-existing intermediate directories. The linux-style permission mode can be specified, with a default of 777 (0o777).

FileUtils.mkdir_p(["foo", "bar", "baz", "dir1", "dir2", "dir3"])

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def mv(srcs : Enumerable(String), dest : String) : Nil #

Moves every srcs to dest.["foo", "bar"], "src")

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def mv(src_path : String, dest_path : String) : Nil #

Moves src_path to dest_path."afile", "")

NOTE Alias of File.rename

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def pwd : String #

Returns the current working directory.


NOTE Alias of Dir.current

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def rm(path : String) : Nil #

Deletes the path file given.


NOTE Alias of File.delete

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def rm(paths : Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

Deletes all paths file given.

FileUtils.rm(["dir/afile", "afile_copy"])

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def rm_r(path : String) : Nil #

Deletes a file or directory path. If path is a directory, this method removes all its contents recursively


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def rm_r(paths : Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

Deletes a list of files or directories paths. If one path is a directory, this method removes all its contents recursively

FileUtils.rm_r(["files", ""])

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def rm_rf(path : String) : Nil #

Deletes a file or directory path. If path is a directory, this method removes all its contents recursively Ignore all errors.


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def rm_rf(paths : Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

Deletes a list of files or directories paths. If one path is a directory, this method removes all its contents recursively Ignore all errors.

FileUtils.rm_rf(["dir", "", "non_existent_file"])

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def rmdir(path : String) : Nil #

Removes the directory at the given path.


NOTE Alias of Dir.rmdir

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def rmdir(paths : Enumerable(String)) : Nil #

Removes all directories at the given paths.

FileUtils.rmdir(["dir1", "dir2", "dir3"])

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